The Safe Home


Massachusetts Home Inspections is dedicated to ensuring that your home is safe for you and your family. I am providing a FREE publication which is a 226 page compilation of well-researched articles especially for new homeowners. They include valuable information and tips for helping to keep your family safe and your homes in top-notch condition.

Please enjoy this manual with my compliments!

(Simply click the image below)

Safe Home Manual

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Here is what my clients have to say about my home inspection services:

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Hi David,

I just wanted to send you a quick note to thank you again for your help yesterday!!

Andy and I are very appreciative of all of the information you provided us with, and we both feel that we have an excellent understanding of what needs to be done to this home, and can make our decision with assurance. The tips that you provided us with are invaluable, and I will definitely recommend you to anyone I know that is or will be buying a home.

Thank you again!



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Last updated on  Feb 16, 2020