Vegetation Around Your Home

Do not allow your home to be hidden by vegetation

Trim all tree branches, shrubs and vines periodically, so the branches do not touch or come close to your house siding or roof surface. You want to allow the sun access to your home to allow it to dry out those moist areas so wood boring insects do not become attracted to the wet wood if it's hidden with vegetation. Tree branches and vines also provide wood boring insects an easy path to your home. Wood boring insects also thrive on dead wood that may be lying around your property. So, remove any tree stumps and dead trees that are within 50 feet of your foundation and store all firewood off the ground (on racks or shelving) away from your home.

At the same time that your preventing wood boring insects from infesting your home, you'll want a safe home. Don't allow your shrubs and trees to provide cover. Cut back all tall shrubbery near your doorways and walkways as well as any plantings that block any windows. Try to keep all your plantings trimmed to a height of 3 feet or less. Also, trim any trees or shrubs that block the view to your neighbor's homes. Privacy issues aside, you'll want your neighbors to have a clear view of your home's doors and windows. You may be asking yourself...Why would I want my neighbors to see my home?

When and while your away, any strange activity that may be going on inside or around your home can be clearly observed by your neighbors. Curtains and shades are designed for privacy...not shrubs.



vegetation around your house


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Last updated on  May 10, 2020