Smoke Alarms and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

co and smoke detectors


Massachusetts law requires that all residential structures be equipped with approved Smoke Alarms and Carbon Monoxide Detectors, upon any Real Estate transaction.

Massachusetts Home Inspections will not test residential Smoke alarms or Carbon Monoxide detectors in the Massachusetts area. The local fire department will issue a certificate to prove compliance of both of these detectors. You will not be responsible for the installation of these detectors. The Seller is always responsible for obtaining a compliance certificate before the close of escrow. You will not be able to close escrow without this compliance certificate, which the Seller's side will be providing at your closing. Upon moving into your new home, all Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Alarms will be code compliant according to the local fire department's recommendations.


New Hampshire residents do not apply to the Massachusetts law. I will personally inspect all Smoke Alarms and Carbon Monoxide Detectors (if present) in the State of New Hampshire.


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Hello Dave,

You did a Pre-Sale inspection of our home in N. Reading on 11/2006 as Sellers. I must say you prepared us well; can't say as much for the Buyers inspector who missed all the areas where we were still vulnerable.

Anyway, we are putting in an offer on a house in Littleton and proposing a 6/18 inspection date. House was built in 1979, about 2300 sqft. Wanted to give you a heads up.

Brian R.


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Last updated on  Feb 28, 2013