Wood Boring Insects

Wood-boring insects infest over 500,000 Massachusetts homes each year. Your home is one of your most significant financial investments, and protecting it from these destructive pests should be a top priority. If left unchecked, wood-boring insects can systematically damage your home and any valuable wooden objects inside. Discovering an infestation requires careful consideration of the steps needed to prevent further damage. A Wood-Boring Insect (WBI) inspection is a critical part of the home inspection process for many homeowners. If your home inspection included a WBI assessment, please review the WBI report (found on page 4 of your home inspection report) to determine whether evidence of insect activity was detected. If any signs of infestation were noted, I strongly recommend contacting a professional exterminator for treatment as soon as possible. Additionally, a licensed carpenter should evaluate the affected areas, estimate repair costs, and determine if hidden damage exists behind finished walls.


If you're interested in additional information on a specific insect, please click on the image below...


Powder Post Beetles

Carpenter Ants

Carpenter Bees



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Last updated on  Feb 28, 2025