Home Inspection Report

Your electronic home inspection report will be emailed to you the same day your home inspection is completed.


home inspection report


The primary goal of Massachusetts Home Inspections is to provide you with crucial information about the home you're considering and to point out any visible defects before you make the decision to purchase. It's important to remember that all homes will have some defects, no matter how well they are maintained—the perfect home simply doesn't exist.

Many potential home buyers mistakenly view a home inspection report as a mandatory repair list for the seller. In reality, sellers are not required to provide a flawless house. They have no legal obligation under Massachusetts law or any contract to make their home perfect. Therefore, most repairs are subject to negotiation between the buyer and the seller.

Typically, buyers will request repairs to be made before closing, and sellers will often agree to some of those demands. However, most building defects are addressed by sellers voluntarily (not out of obligation), to foster goodwill or help finalize the sale. Sellers can refuse any repair requests unless there are specific requirements set by state law, local ordinances, or the purchase contract. Purchase contracts usually require the resolution of safety issues, correction of structural defects, ensuring all fixtures are functional, no broken windows, and no active roof or plumbing leaks.

BUYERS: Before requesting repairs from the seller, evaluate the inspection report with a focus on the most significant issues. Prioritize conditions that compromise the health and safety of you and your family, or involve active or potential leaks in the plumbing or roof. Sellers typically address major issues such as roof problems, electrical concerns, plumbing issues, and large-ticket items like the furnace, boiler, electrical components, and wood-boring insects. Please consult with your Realtor to help you create an appropriate repair request list for the seller.

If you have any questions regarding your home inspection or report, please don’t hesitate to contact me at 978-685-1909. I’m committed to keeping all of my clients well informed throughout the process.


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Here is what my clients have to say about my home inspection services:

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Hello Dave,

You did a Pre-Sale inspection of our home in N. Reading on 11/2006 as Sellers. I must say you prepared us well; can't say as much for the Buyers inspector who missed all the areas where we were still vulnerable.

Anyway, we are putting in an offer on a house in Littleton and proposing a 6/18 inspection date. House was built in 1979, about 2300 sqft. Wanted to give you a heads up.

Brian R.


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Last updated on  Mar 01, 2025